Trademark Objection

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Trademark application has to pass from several stages. After filed a Trademark Application trademark registrar will issue Examination report accept before advertising or Objection.
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Trademark Objection

Trademark application has to pass from several stages. After filed a Trademark Application trademark registrar will issue Examination report accept before advertising or Objection.

Examination report issue by the trademark registry after the examination of trademark application, existing similar trademark, prior trademark, including distinctiveness and other documentary support.

If, Examination report contain accept before acceptance that Trademark application publish in trademark journal for any further oppose within four (4) month. If not getting oppose within four month than trademark get registration certificate.

If, Examination report contain Objection (There is no specific reason for Objection) than need to comply with the objection report within 3o day form the date of receipt of examination report (Objection report). If not comply on time than your trademark application will abandon (cancel). In short after objection need to file objection replay on time.

We draft examination replay in line with examination report with valid reason to get through your trademark application and file with the trademark registry before due date. After filing examination reply the trademark examiner examine the replay and if he/she believe replay is satisfy than trademark application will publish in the trademark journal before registration.

Process For Filling Examination report Replay:


Collection of Basic Information and Documentation


Draft required Documents and send for signature


Preparation Examination report Replay.


Filling a Examination report Replay.


sharing Filling information

Documents Required for Trademark Objection

IF, Trademark application not filed by us.

  • Rs. 300 Stamp
  • PAN Card (Firm / Proprietor)
  • Udhyog Aadhar / GST Certification (Firm / Proprietor)