
All you need to know

A Trademark mark is capable of being represented graphically include a word, phrase, symbol or design, or combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others and may include a shape of goods, their packaging, and a combination of colors.
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  • What is Trademark?

    A Trademark mark is capable of being represented graphically include a word, phrase, symbol or design, or combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others and may include a shape of goods, their packaging, and a combination of colors.

    File a Trademark Application through LegalBoss online service just Rs.

    • Why Trademark:
      • Its Help to differentiate From Competitor goods

      • Its Help to create Brand Recognition among Customers.

      • Its Provide protection of your good and services.

      • Trademark Is a Assets and it will increase value over a period of time.

      • Easy to Apply and Use.

      • Unregistered trademark will affect in your brand reputation.

FAQ on Trademark

Who can Apply Trademark ?
Any Individual, Joint Holder, Body Corporate, partnership Firm can apply for trademark registration in Indian and Global.
When can I use mark TM ?
As soon as received a trademark application filed acknowledgment with appropriate trademark registry.
Validity of Trademark Registration ?
Registration of Trademark are valid for 10 years from the date of the trademark application filling.
How much Time it will take for trademark registration ?
Trademark Application can be filed within 1-2 days and registration process will take 12-18 months.
Can registered trademark use all over the world ?
No, The registered trademark has specified location where it can be used. For each Location required to apply on that location.
Can I sell Trademark ?
Yes, Trademark can assign to someone else with followed specified rule and documentation.
How many class in trademark ?
There are 45 class before finalize any class you must need to classified product and its types.

Mainly dividend in to 2 (Two) category;

  1. Mainly dividend in to 2 (Two) category;
  2. Trading / Service: Class 35 to 45
What are the Fees for the Trademark Application ?
For the Small Enterprise /Individual/Proprietor Trademark Application Is Rs. 4500/- (Per Class) and for other than small enterprise trademark application fees Rs. 9000/-.(Per Calss).
Who is trademark Consultant ?
Trademark consultant is a lawyer or attorney specialised in Trademark laws. They are also known as Trademark Agents.

Trademark Registration Process


Trademark Search


Selection of Class


Filling a TM Application


TM Objection


Replay of Objection






Getting Registration certificate