Trademark oppose come after trademark publish in trademark journal. Trademark publish in trademark journal for the third party opposition within 4 (Four) month from the date of trademark publish in trademark journal.
Any third party believes that trademark which is publish in trademark journal create confusion among the public can file opposition.
After file opposition to the trademark application both parties need file oppose statement or counter statement and affidavit in support of application or opposition within time.
If, after trademark application oppose by third party and no counter statement filling on time than trademark application can abandon.
First step to file opposition or Counter statement.
Second step required to file affidavit in support of opposition or application Last stage Hearing if, required.
For the Opposition required to file opposition within four (4) month from the date of trademark publish in trademark journal.
For the Counter statement required to file within 2 (month) / 60 days from the receipt of the trademark opposition statement. It can be extent after filing request to the registry with proper reason.