Trademark Renewal

All you need to know

The Registered trademark initially get for 10 (Ten) year and on the expiry of 10 (Ten) year required renewal for father 10 year this is continues follow the same process for every10 (Ten) years expiration. So the registered trademark name maintain in the register of the trademark registry.
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Trademark Renewal

The Registered trademark initially get for 10 (Ten) year and on the expiry of 10 (Ten) year required renewal for father 10 year this is continues follow the same process for every10 (Ten) years expiration. So the registered trademark name maintain in the register of the trademark registry.

The renewal trademark application must be filed before the expiry of the trademark to the appropriate trademark registry. Before the expiry the trademark registry send notice the trademark registered owner regarding expiry of your trademark. If, not renewal your trademark than your brand / trademark will remove for the trademark register.

  • Why:
    • To extension of protective rights

    • To bar form any one to get registration of same similar brand.

    • To get Brand value

    • To maintain Intangible assets

    • To maintain brand equity

Trademark Process For Renewal


Collection of Basic Information and Documentation


Draft required Documents and send for signature


Filling a renewal application with registry.


sharing Filling information.

Documents Required for Trademark Renewal

Trademark application Renewal

  • Trademark Registered Certificate
  • ID and Address Proof and GST certificate or business registered certificate.
  • Power of attorney