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Paid up share capital is a part of the capital structure of the company. Share capital can increase through the issue of share to the extent of the authorized share capital which is mention on the memorandum of the association clause. So issue more number of share to increase capital beyond the authorized capital it must need to amendment in the memorandum of association clause of authorized share capital. For the amendment in the clause of memorandum of association need to conduct board meeting and shareholder meeting for the approval.
Why Increasing paid up Share Capital:
Important Point to be considered while Increasing paid up Share Capital:
Bonus Shares are
shares given to the existing shareholders in proportion to the number of shares
they hold. While Issue of Bonus Shares increases the total number of shares
issued and owned, it does not increase the value of the Company, the ratio of
number of shares held by each shareholder remains constant.
In that Company offer securities to the
preferential basis to the selected group of people or venture capitalists,
companies, or any other person by any particular company for fund raising. In
that a valuation report of registered value determining the price of shares is
also mandatory.
In that company offer of securities or
invitation of subscribe securities shall not made more than 200 person in the aggregated
in financial year but but excluding qualified institutional buyers and
employees of the company being offered securities. The invitation / offer per
person investment size not less than Rs. 20,000 of face value except non
banking and housing finance company.
In that Company offer
to the existing shareholder to get additional shares in proportion to their
existing share holding. Existing shareholder getting new/fresh share at
discounted price compare to the market
price on stated future date.
In that company offer securities to its
permanent employee (Director, Employee) at a discount price or considered other
than cash. permanent employee who has
been working in company at least one year in India or outside India (Including subsidiary,
in India or outside India, or of a holding company of the company).