LegalBoss Team help you in getting Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Start from Just Rs. 1199/-
Digital Signature Certificates or DSC or Digital Signature are being adopted by various government agencies and now is a statutory requirement in various applications.
A Digital Signature is nothing but an authentication of any electronic document by a subscriber to the document. It comes in the form of a USB Token, wherein the Digital Signature Certificate is stored and can be accessed through a computer to sign documents electronically. Thus, a digital signature certificate (DSC) is a secure digital key that certifies the identity of the holder. A certifying authority (CA) issues these certificates
Currently class III types of digital signature Used for GST, MCA, Income Tax, Tender submissions, EPFO filings, and more
Yes. An individual can hold a separate digital signature for personal and professional purposes. As far as holding separate certificates for authorizing varied documents is concerned, an individual can apply for a Class 3 certificate and use it for all documents, as it is the highest level and most secure.
Within a Hour you will get certificate.
The validity of Digital signature certificate (DSC) is 1 or 2 years depending upon the class of DSC being procured.